


Okay. HI. How is everyone? I am fine. Had F.U.N. tonight. Wasn't supposed to. Was supposed to be in K.C. Had a coaches clinic. Couldn't get help. So punted the clinic. Only had 9 M.S.'ers. Plenty. They were very loud tonight. Typical. about the same for H.S. we played alien. 1st time in a while. It was fun. Hi again. Kathy got injured. Beth and Abbie killed us all. Jon and I did too. big surprise. This blog drips with sarcasm. (inside joke) -now for the serious stuff---

went bowling Monday. Had fun. Bowled well for a sick guy. (sick 4 days) Noticed something though. When in a bowling alley (or gas station), you don't notice the smell after a while. It shocks you when you first arrive. But then not so much. You bowl. You sit. You bowl again. You sit. ( thats if you're good. if not, you bowl twice then sit, he he ) You pay. Turn in the stinky shoes. You leave. Then it hits you. You smell. (and that's no verb) Reminds me of sin. Not only is it yucky to have on you...but you don't realize how yucky you are till you emerge from the yuck. As long as you stay in the yuck. You don't seem yucky. Once you do...peeuwwwwhhh. Same with life.
God rules, being yucky drools.