


Allow me to expound on the "not liking Sunday mornings" bit from the previous post.

I like people. I like them in a box. I like them with a fox. I like them, near I like them far, I like them here or in the car. I like to talk with people, to listen to people, to watch people. I am a people person. (but I don't like that phrase...how cliche')
This past Sunday I once again found myself scurrying around tying up loose ends...I need dry erase markers here, a basket for offering there, new music for him, a light for her, run Forrest, run! It doesn't seem to matter what I try to do to keep ahead of the game, there always seems to be a baker's dozen things to do. One could assume from this that I don't like the pressure but that would be wrong. sometimes I thrive on it. Deadlines because push you. Especially when you are a chronic over achiever.
But when you move 60mph in what should be a 15mph zone you miss what is good about life. People. They should be a face and a voice, not a blur of colors as I go screaming by, relentlessly knocking them over with my sonic BOOM!
I would like a lazy Sunday. That's what Sundays are for. Relaxing. Worship. Family. People. Pizza. Blankets. Cuddling. Reflecting. ... Sunday.
Insteadm I feel a need to apologize for squeaking out quick "Hi, good morning, nice hair's" "Hi's", and "how are you's". I need to stop and smell the people.

Regardless of how much work I do to get ahead, Sundays are too busy. Maybe one of these days Murphy will do what preachers can't, honor the Sabbath. Yeah. That would be great.