


I am not ashamed of the gospel...but I think I might be afraid of it. I may be the biggest sissy when it comes to initiating a salvation study. I stumbled over my words less asking a stingy boss for a raise than I do when I open my mouth to ask someone if they want to talk some time about Heaven. I did it tonight with Juan and Abraham and Isaac after soccer. I am playing soccer with the guys form El Charro in the church gym on Sunday nights and Kevin gave me a spanish gospel presentation book that sounds interesting, it has an ant eater in it. mmm allegory. Anyway, even though I sounded like Elmer Fudd they agreed. So well see what happens. They are all really nice guys. Good friends. Especially Juan. His girlfriend has a daughter on Levi's soccer team. Juan said Levi had some nice moves. (I agree) BTW those are soccer moves...not...anyway. I am Glad for Juan and want to publicly thank God for him and his friends. They are a joy to me. That is all for now except a minute "hi" to Galen. Talk to you all later.
bdeep bdeep thats all folks.