epiphanicity: 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004



"I'm just a man who wanted to be serious with God and God took me as seriously as I took Him."
-Steve Brown


John 12:25 has the potential to be offensive according to how one reads it. "the man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." One could make it mean that God is cruel and makes people keep what they don't want and takes away what they do what. I, course know this isn't what it means, it jsut happens to be late, I saw the verse, and felt obliged to blog about it. (on my new computer!!! yeah!!!) One could say He forces people who hate their life to suffer with it forefver because He is mean and those fortunate enough to actually like their life here on earth get it stripped away from them while he laughs like a mad scientist bent on global domination. (an irony because He already dominates globally) . nuff said. good night.
Az ><>