epiphanicity: 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004



finish this sentence however you like. "I believe..."

I am holding my blog ransom

I am contemplating going private with my blog. Perhaps it is silly and small of me to be this way (especially since I am almost 30 years old) but comments are my wages and since I am not getting paid much it hardly seems worth the effort. Yes I know, as I mentioned already it is small of me to be so petty and vindictive. But here I go...

if I do not get my payment within one week, the consequences will be drastic and maybe even noticeable


= me snowboarding


Tired, Beth says to me " I didn't get your message (answering machine) until I got home"...as opposed to...?


I hear Levi creeping in to my room...no...wait

first the background info...

I was foolish enough to stay up REALLLLLLLLY late playing a new ps2 game. Naturally I wanted to sleep in a little bit to compensate but Wendy went to work @ 8:00 so I had the boys. I hear Levi creeping in to my room and roll over to see what he is up to. I ask my eldest what he is holding behind his back and what do you know a CUP OF WATER!!!. He "says" he was bringing it to me for a drink but I "think" he was planning to rouse me from my beloved slumber. ooooh man. Mom always said this day would come.


Allow me to expound on the "not liking Sunday mornings" bit from the previous post.

I like people. I like them in a box. I like them with a fox. I like them, near I like them far, I like them here or in the car. I like to talk with people, to listen to people, to watch people. I am a people person. (but I don't like that phrase...how cliche')
This past Sunday I once again found myself scurrying around tying up loose ends...I need dry erase markers here, a basket for offering there, new music for him, a light for her, run Forrest, run! It doesn't seem to matter what I try to do to keep ahead of the game, there always seems to be a baker's dozen things to do. One could assume from this that I don't like the pressure but that would be wrong. sometimes I thrive on it. Deadlines because push you. Especially when you are a chronic over achiever.
But when you move 60mph in what should be a 15mph zone you miss what is good about life. People. They should be a face and a voice, not a blur of colors as I go screaming by, relentlessly knocking them over with my sonic BOOM!
I would like a lazy Sunday. That's what Sundays are for. Relaxing. Worship. Family. People. Pizza. Blankets. Cuddling. Reflecting. ... Sunday.
Insteadm I feel a need to apologize for squeaking out quick "Hi, good morning, nice hair's" "Hi's", and "how are you's". I need to stop and smell the people.

Regardless of how much work I do to get ahead, Sundays are too busy. Maybe one of these days Murphy will do what preachers can't, honor the Sabbath. Yeah. That would be great.


hmmm. I hate being so busy. I love my job but hate being so busy all the time. I think I have finally gotten control of my days off. I am guarding them like my last meal but the rest of the week is a blur. Too little to do and too much time to do it in...no, reverse that (thank you Willy Wonka, we miss you so) I don't like Sunday mornings...too much work to do ...I was telling Paul that there is an evil string of Murphy running through this building because it always seems like the more ahead I get for frequencythe further behind I become. One step forward two steps back. I need more help. Mary Tholen is helping a ton with F.U.N. she is delegating help..calling parents and assigning them to nights for helping with the m.s. kids. (I am jealous for this time with the youth and struggle to get my meaty claws out of it.) I need the help. I am a terrible recruiter because I am too nice. I ask if someone is free to help:

me-"hey can you help Saturday with the party?"
them-well maybe, I think I have something scheduled already
me- oh, really...Well, I would sure appreciate the help. I need another adult there
them- well ,I will see but I usually sit and read the paper on Saturday's. It's my only "me" time
me-well, if you can make it let me know...

It's why I don't sell cars. Well that and the fact that cars don't come back a few years later and say thanks for moving to Fort Scott, you have been a huge part of my life, thank you. No, they don't say that.

its raining today which is going to make moving the stage a real pain. I hate moving the stage in the rain. Especially cold rain.

several kids were talking in the sermon yesterday. I thought it was a pretty good one but it missed them completely. I really don't think it had anything to do with the message. These particular offenders talk EVERY SUNDAY. grrr. It is a distraction to me and a bit of a soapbox because of something in my past. Something perhaps for a later post. I am not sure yet what I want to do about it if anything. I guess I will have to pray some about it. That will help. Always does.
Speaking of prayer (and turning to a more positive note) God is amazing. I went to the Hospital a few days ago to pray with a family with a member who has cancer already was having a biopsy on another spot. cancer is a murderous fiend and scares pretty much everyone. Visits like that are sometimes odd because I don't know what to say. I even have a hard time praying sometimes for some reason. I stumble over my words, take strange turns. It's like I am a guide in strange territory without a map. Anyway, I prayed. a few hours later I returned to the hospital to be there when they got the results. One needed a chainsaw to cut the tension in that room...a knife wouldn't cut it (nice double meaning) tests came back negative for cancer. woo hoo! on the way out I prayed "thanks" to God for the results and true or not a sensation came over me that my prayer played an active part that day. I can't really explain it. I can't take credit for it (because God is still the active force in it all) But it was like God was throwing me a bone. Saying. "your prayer made a difference today. I did it for you just as you asked this time. I wept as I left the parking lot. I may be human but it doesn't take a person very long to develope a taste for bones. as Beth would say "mmmm bones".

Thanks for the bone, God. The Rock rocks.


revival seems to be going well...although I think we need more for the kids to do. I am pretty sure they are bored. band sounds good except for agnus dei yesterday. no ones perfect. One irritation today, I ordered books for small groups and went ahead and ordered several TNIV new testaments hoping to get them before Sunday. We are about to start a new 60 day bible reading challenge and I wanted them to be available for the kids to buy. The website showed they were in stock but my email confirmation said they wouldn't be ready to ship until April 21st. Bummer. bdeep bdeep thats all folks.