epiphanicity: 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004



quickly because it is almost midnight. I have invited Juan and his girlfriend Teresa to our 40 days of purpuse group next week...I have also invited Melissa, a girl who also comes and plays soccer on Sunday nights with us...see a few posts down and you will know why this is a good thing...please pray hard this week, daily even if not more for their hearts to be pulled towards this and for me to know what to do to help them make this decision. It would be AWESOME to get them voer to the house. thanks for your prayers in advance. You guys rock. thanks for checking in....see you soon.
Az ><>


hey everyone, sorry it has been so long since I have posted. not that I really totally post for your benefit, but i do, somewhat post for your benefit. Anyway, soccer is now officially over and I now officially have my life back. woo hoo and WOO HOO! Once again we received a beating we should have delivered, but we are done. no more games. no more practices. no more wondering how many times we can make the same mistakes. I now have time for family, the new youth group website, my sermons and S.S. lessons. to dig into some websites I have wanted to check out more thoroughly. Time for reflection and direction. And more importantly, time for some vacation with my family. yessssss! well. expect more blogs soon because time is now available... pardon me while I go cuddle.

Az ><>


I am not ashamed of the gospel...but I think I might be afraid of it. I may be the biggest sissy when it comes to initiating a salvation study. I stumbled over my words less asking a stingy boss for a raise than I do when I open my mouth to ask someone if they want to talk some time about Heaven. I did it tonight with Juan and Abraham and Isaac after soccer. I am playing soccer with the guys form El Charro in the church gym on Sunday nights and Kevin gave me a spanish gospel presentation book that sounds interesting, it has an ant eater in it. mmm allegory. Anyway, even though I sounded like Elmer Fudd they agreed. So well see what happens. They are all really nice guys. Good friends. Especially Juan. His girlfriend has a daughter on Levi's soccer team. Juan said Levi had some nice moves. (I agree) BTW those are soccer moves...not...anyway. I am Glad for Juan and want to publicly thank God for him and his friends. They are a joy to me. That is all for now except a minute "hi" to Galen. Talk to you all later.
bdeep bdeep thats all folks.