Here grab my hand! Now you grab his hand, come on!!! Just do it! It'll be sweet! Let's see how many of us it will get!...eeEEOOOOWWWCHHH! O.k. let's try this....
As a youth minister, it is hard to consistently find quality sponsors for programs. I will readily admit a lot of it is because I don't work hard at it. I am a push over and accept "no" too easily. But some of it is a matter of apathy. I think people don't want the resposibility. For what ever their reason, it is not "their job" to teach the kids about God. (I am not trying to be super negative here, just recording some thoughts) In preparation for my S.S. material today I came across Judges 2:10, where it explains God died with a generation of believers, or at least the memory of Him did. I see 2 possibilities as to how this could have happened,
- a: the older generation didn't teach the younger
- b: the younger generation didn't want anything to do with the geezers stories.
I suppose it could be a combo of both, but the point is, the baton never got passed. Lord, send workers for the harvest. Do not let our awe of you diminish because we will not take the time to keep the memory fresh.
me ><>
Reveal yourself to me
Lord, I am a sinner, unworthy of your presence
Reveal yourself to me…
I desire cleansing, instruction, purpose
Reveal yourself to me…
While I understand the difference between mercy and grace,
my mind has trouble grasping why you offer them so freely, so abundantly, so consistently
Reveal yourself to me…
Do not hold my sins against me, according to your great love, remember me.
Reveal yourself to me…
I am you servant. I am listening, watching, waiting.
Reveal yourself to me…
Reveal yourself to me Lord. I am not complete without you. I need you…more than air, more than food, more than sleep or companionship. I need you…I need you.
Reveal yourself to me.
Az ><>
it is 2:30 a.m. and I have no business being awake. But I am at work previewing videos for "frequency" because I have no other time to do so but this. I am tired. But here is my rant. as I watch this it stikes me, one of the speakers talks about never givining up and never giving in, never giving out becasue God will give you the power to survive whatever it is you are dealing with...nice words, but are they true?...hasn't He already given us the power? what does James have to say about this?...isn't it james? who says in chptr 1 He has given us everything we need to live a holy life?...perhaps if we talked more of His power as a present reality instead of a thing to be waiting for we would recognize the hammer is already in our hand.
good night.
Az ><>
first of all,. I am not really sure what has happened to my picture. It was here, then it was gone. I wonder if my free site booted me off because I wasn't friendly enough. I am bad about not calling once in a while.
Colorado was nice. I love the mountains. The smell of pseudotsuga menziesii (douglas firs) warms the hollow center in my belly. The mountains feel like home. Maybe I am weird for sying something like that but it just feels right to be there. WHat is funny is I feel more out of breathe, and have a harder time getting acclimated to the plains than I do getting use to the high altitudes. Quick rundown of The trip. Out of gas, broken down, set up tents, family groups, first night, sleep, brrrr, breakfast, there really ARE 2 number 4's on my alarm clock! imagine that !, what's for breakfast?...volcano, Adam takes flying lessons, brrr cold water, 2 right one left stop bump!, footlong chicken teryaki on honey oat, zzzz nap, where is everyone? take your shoes off, can we have a real fire tomorrow? brrr zzzzzz, yumm, devos, why are these so short? Didn't I read that already?, this water has skin in it, found it!what is next on the list, Comeback kid comeback kid!, Mark 12:30, brrr, zzzz, yummmm, thump OOOOO! (that's gonna leave a mark) ooooh I like beef jerky, one more tree Ajja!, demons killed the generator, falling stars appear again, hey a fire this time! by alyssa and devin, no large shirts!?, is it going to rain all day? how much money did you bring? what is a group of rhinos called? God's not dead he is alive (repeat), zzz brrr, how does this go in to this bag? cheese and crackers? and again and agina and again and again. zzzzzzzzzzzzz home at last.
that was it in a nutshell, I wont bother to re-read it till later. So I hope I didn't leave anything out. Let me know if any of it makes sense.
LAtro Az ><>
hey GAlen
Back from Colorado,
Hi to everyone else too. will blog soon about several things like, why do I no longer have a picture? and how was youthquake, who is Josh Prentice? and other such items. Praying for you to have a great weekend Jonathan. Playing a sweet game, Champions of Norrath. Pretty fun. So is warhammer 4oK
blogging soon. I promise
Az out ><>